Fitness Grand Opening

We are happy to welcome everyone to House of Offshore Innovations new fitness facilities
icon-calendar 19. Feb 2020 - 15:00 - 19. Feb 2020 - 16:00
icon-location House of Offshore Innovation Foyer

Health and exercise are an important building block for happy employees, and therefore also something we care about. Therefore, we are pleased to welcome you to the House of Offshore Innovation's fitness facilities!

Presentations 15.00, 15.20 and 15.40

When the red tape is cut, Karina Algren from MedicSport, who specializes in company exercise, offers a presentation on how to get the best and safest start with your training. You will learn basic knowledge about the machines and their use. The presentation has a duration of 20 minutes.

Reception 15.00

A small reception will be held in the foyer of House of Offshore Innovation. A light refreshment will be served and goodie bags will be handed out.